Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Traquair House Ale clone

A scottish ale, recipe from a "the best of Brew Your Own" magazine. And I seem to have skipped the last quite a few before the porter before this, but I don't remember doing anything exceptional.

15 lbs. pale UK malt
0.25 lbs. roasted barley
~19 quarts of water @ 163 F

mashed @ 152 F for 1 hour. Drained off 1 gallon and set to rapid boil (to carmellise) for 30 minutes. Sparged the rest with water at 168 F until I had 7 gallons. Began boil. After 30 minutes, added carmellised wort and:

1.5 oz. Kent Goldings (~AA 4%?)

Boiled for another hour and added another:

1.5 oz. Kent Goldings (~AA 4%?)

Cooled, aerated, added an ale yeast. Forgot to get an initial SG again.

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